There shall be an annual meeting of the members of this church to be held at a time specified in the bylaws at which time the members shall receive reports of ministries, including audited reports of the treasurers, and shall elect church officers, elders, and members of the Governing Board. Additional ministry positions shall be filled as specified in the local church bylaws.
The Governing Board, as specified in the local church bylaws, shall conduct the affairs of the church between annual meetings and shall be amenable to the membership and the district superintendent as constitutionally defined. Other meetings of the members may be called by proper notice to the membership as specified in the bylaws. On general church matters in which no legal questions are involved, it is understood that all members in good and regular standing who have reached the age of 16 years are entitled to vote, but in matters involving titles of property or legal procedure, the laws of the state determine the age at which members are eligible to vote
A. THOSE TO BE ELECTED: Those to be elected at the annual congregational meeting shall be the elders, officers of the Governing Board and the Nominating Committee members.
B. NOMINATIONS FROM THE MEMBERSHIP: Any active member of the membership may nominate any person for an elected position according to the following:
C. PLURALITY: Where required, the election shall be based on the rule of plurality.